
Why Everyone Should Consider Anxiety Counseling

Why Everyone Should Consider Anxiety Counseling
Anxiety is much more than simply feeling anxious before a big event. It’s a mental health disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. Anxiety can come in many different forms and can cause debilitating symptoms that can significantly impact a person’s quality of life. Despite the prevalence of anxiety

Is CBD healthy?

Is CBD healthy?
For many, the concept of hemp, marijuana and CBD can be confusing. But all three have one thing in common – cannabinoids. Cannabinoids such as cannabidiol (CBD) are gaining popularity for their purported health benefits. With so much buzz around CBD, it’s important to consider whether CBD is a

How to Become a Psychiatrist in Pakistan?

How to Become a Psychiatrist in Pakistan?
Nowadays, many MBBS students prefer to start their careers as a psychiatrist. Every year 8 out of 10 students tend to learn this branch of medicine which focus on the treatment, diagnosis, and prevention of behavioral disorder. Expert psychiatrists focus on the patient's mental health.  Unfortunately, many students don't know

What Is The Best Thing To Whiten Teeth?

What Is The Best Thing To Whiten Teeth?
Having white teeth is something that many people strive for. Achieving a brighter and whiter smile can be tricky, however, as there are many options available to whiten teeth. This article will discuss what the best thing to whiten teeth is and why it might be preferable to other

What Are The Benefits Of Getting Acupuncture?

Antoniosofan Magazine - Acupuncture and its Benefits e1607005305334
Acupuncture is a 3,000 year-old Chinese medical practice that is used to treat a variety of conditions. It is based on the belief that there are energy pathways in the body that become blocked when a person is ill. Acupuncture involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points

How to Tell If you’re having a Migraine?

How to Tell If you’re having a Migraine?
A migraine is a headache that generally affects one side of the head and causes extreme throbbing pain or a pulsing feeling. It's commonly associated with nausea, vomiting, and excessive light and sound sensitivities. Migraine symptoms can last for hours to days. The pain might get into severe symptoms
Gaming, Health

The Art of Sports and Fitness – The Writing Planet

The Art of Sports and Fitness
The art of sports has existed for hundreds of years now, and it is as old as humanity now. Sports has been essential and has played a vital role in keeping the communities and people healthy and fit and also boosting their confidence at the same time. We live
Fashion, Health

7 Beauty Tips That Will Still Be In Style

7 Beauty Tips That Will Still Be In Style-antoniosofan
There is a lot of beauty that meets our eyes, and different people have different expectations of beauty. Some people believe that blonde hair is angelic, while others believe that raven black hair is the real deal! Some people think freckles are adorable, while others look for beauty marks.